Ronald Fryn Photographer - Chaser of Light

Mexica Xilonen Dance Pinto Lake 07/12/2014

Mexica Xiloner Dance 2014, Watsonville 110

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Mexica Dancing at Pinto Lake Watsonville, CA

Something that should happen more often; I went out for my early morning jog that brings me through Pinto Lake soccer fields, and I noticed that there were already lots of people setting up what looked to be arts and crafts booths for an event later that day. As I was dragging my butt around the fields I came across the grounds keeper, whom I appreciate a lot for keeping the place so clean and tidy, and asked him what was going on. He told me that there was going to be White Hawk Traditional dancing later that day.

Not knowing what to expect, but interested to find out, later that day we went back, camera at hand. Wow! Talk about a jaw-dropping experience! After taking in all the colors and what seemed like hundreds of people dancing around a large circle where from within the drum beats originated, I got my camera out and started to take some shots.

After a while I came across a guy whom I believe is named Filo, who was kind enough to stay and chat and tell me about the dancing and the Mexica heritage (pron. mashika, sometimes called Azteca). Well it turns out that it was a special dance to celebrate  girls that were turning 15 years of age, I believe the dance is called Xilonen (meaning Tender Corn).

I would like to thank everyone who participated and allowed me to experience such an extraordinary event! As you can see the time and creativity put into the costumes is immense, and all that dance is hard work!


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